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Maximising the chances of being matched

Placing bets on Betfair does not guarantee that those bets will be matched. Indeed if the odds move on the market, your bet may be partially matched or not matched at all.

To counteract this, there are lots of ways within TheBetEngine of improving the chance of getting the whole of your bet matched.

If you are backing:

1. If you are betting before the off, then you can set the Unmatched option on the Bet tab to BSP - this means that any unmatched portion of your bet will be matched at the BSP odds.

2. You can "widen" the odds at which the bet gets placed. To do this, you can select a Use Odds setting (on the Bet tab) of 2nd, 3rd or Sure:

2nd - places bets at the second best odds available at the time of betting.
3rd - places bets at the third best odds available at the time of betting
Sure - places the bets at a specified tick offset from the current best odds available at the time of betting. The number of ticks to offset can be entered into the accompanying text box.

3. If your Use Odds is set to ABSP (i.e. you are betting using BSP odds when the race has gone InPlay), then you should investigate the use of BSure instead. This places bets at a specified tick offset from the published BSP odds. The number of ticks can be entered into the accompanying text box.

4. You can tick Maximise Chances on the General/Options tab. This fires in the back bets at odds of 1.01 and allows Betfair to match the bet at the best odds available. If you want to get matched immediately then this is your best option.

If you are laying:

1. You can set the Unmatched option on the Bet tab to BSP - this means that any unmatched portion of your bet will be matched at the BSP odds. However, this is somewhat hit and miss as Betfair often reject bets unless the liability of the total bet is £10 or greater (the value may vary for countries other than the UK).

2. You can "widen" the odds at which the bet gets placed. To do this, you can select a Use Odds setting (on the Bet tab) of 2nd, 3rd or Sure:

2nd - places bets at the second best odds available at the time of betting.
3rd - places bets at the third best odds available at the time of betting
Sure - places the bets at a specified tick offset from the current best odds available at the time of betting. The number of ticks to offset can be entered into the accompanying text box.

If your Use Odds is set to ABSP (i.e. you are betting using BSP odds when the race has gone InPlay), then you should investigate the use of BSure instead. This places bets at a specified tick offset from the published BSP odds. The number of ticks can be entered into the accompanying text box.  

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